This plate helps keep coolant out of the router. When enough coolant combines with the brush dust, the GFCI on the back of the SC3 controller will trip. This along with the horizontal splash plate on the accessory mount greatly reduce the amount of coolant that gets into the router.
This is something that you can easily make yourself from a bit of scrap sheet aluminum. See the pdf in the picture gallery. We send this with plastic spacers, but washers can also be used. Just be careful not to drop them into the router at the time of installation. The thickness of the spacer must allow for the spindle wrench to grip the black nut. The inside hole is just big enough to clear the nut. Use MS24693S273 or C273 screws. We use 3 screws for stability. There are 6 holes available in the router. They do not need to be tapped. The Aluminum plate should be about .050 thick to allow for countersinking. If you are using washers, they must have a .5″ OD as they are used to retain the nose bearing.
Remove the 2 screws that currently retain the nose bearing and the plastic vanes. Retain them if needed for reinstallation.