
Panel Pro Documentation

Panel Pro 5925 Manual  to sn 2049 (pdf  4/10/18)

Panel Pro 5925 manual sn 2095+ (PDF  9/8/19)

AvCAM 18 help file (zipped chm file 7/16/15)

AvCAM 19 help file (zipped chm file 8/23/19)

Panel Pro 4824 manual for use with AvCAM


We have transitioned from EasyCAD to QCAD as the CAD we ship with new Panel Pro’s.

HOWEVER…If you are currently using EasyCAD, there is no compelling reason to change.  The Panel Pro will continue to work just the same and you won’t have to learn a new program.

QCAD is available HERE Order QCAD Pro

Download QCAD configuration information HERE 

It is a zip file consisting of QCAD configuration.pdf, QCAD3.ini configuration file and PanelPro.dxf, a template file.

Unzip the file, read QCAD configuration.pdf and install the files as directed.

USB to Serial port driver

Panel Pro model 4824 and 5624 controllers used a RS232 serial interface.  If your computer does not have a RS232 serial port, a usb to serial converter can be used.  However, the chip set should use the full plus and minus voltages.  In addition some older converters may not be compatible with windows 8 and newer operating systems.

Windows 8/8.1 and above are NOT supported in Prolific PL-2303HXA and PL-2303X chip sets.  Check which version you have here. The USB adapter must be plugged in and you will need to know what port it is on.

Note the check version program does not return the chip version when used in Windows 11.

Prolific chip sets are usually found in USB to RS232 adapter cables on Panel Pro controllers that have a 9 pin serial connector.

These drivers have been tested ok on windows 11.  You will need to switch off the “S” mode to install a program that does not originate from the microsoft store.  When you try to install, a dialog will pop up and try to disuade you from doing that, but will download and run an app that switches off the S mode.

Prolific drivers for Windows XP, 7 & 8 / 32 &64 bit OS compatibility (3.14mbs)

FTDI chip sets are found on all Panel Pro and Cable Pro controllers that have a USB mini B connector.

FTDI drivers are found here

EasyCAD Files

Please note that we are transitioning to QCAD as our CAD of choice however we still support EasyCAD

EasyCAD 7.58 full install  the latest version of EasyCAD (June 2014).  When downloaded, it runs for 30 days in the demo mode until the license is installed.

Easy Cad 7 cad viewer free “view only” version of Easy Cad allows you to view, verify, and print existing drawings.  It does not allow modification of the drawings.

EasyCAD 7.22 (22mbs) Operates for limited time in demo mode until you apply your license.  Contact us or for license info.

EasyCAD version 7 manual (3.9mbs) PDF version of the complete EasyCAD manual.

EasyCAD extra commands (13k) save to your EasyCAD folder.  Make sure EasyCAD is not open. unzip the file.  You may get a pop up asking if it is ok to overwrite files.  Respond Yes.   This will result in a folder called ECADconfig.  Copy all of the files from ECADconfig to your EasyCAD folder.  If you copy or unzip the files to the EasyCAD folder with EasyCAD open, EasyCAD will overwrite the files you just copied and it will not work.

Legend.ttf font.   The Legend font is useful for engraving.  AvCAM traces the outline of the letters.  It does not fill between like windows does, so a thick font like Arial will have uncut material in the middle.  The Legend font is very narrow so that the stroke width is determined by the engraving cutter tip width, not the font.  Legend font is installed with AvCAM, so there should be no reason to separately install it.  However there have been instances where is has come up missing.  To install it, download it, make note of where it is stored (typically the downloads folder).  right click on it and click install.

Legend Font Missing.  Sometimes windows just hides the legend font.  download FontMissing.pdf for information and instructions.